We have the same requirement, and approximately the same number of reporting insiders.
I set up an Excel ledger system. Each insider has a separate workbook and each workbook contains a profile page with a summary of the portfolio, and a separate ledger for each security (share purchase plan, RRSP plan, options, DSUs, PSUs, and ledgers for shares held directly or indirectly.
Transactions are entered in rows, each transaction having its own row.
Each ledger can be filtered to show either the most recent transaction, or series of transactions, without limit. The ledgers for the share purchase plans shows the weighted average acquisition cost for all transactions or any subset of transactions in order to facilitate the annual or periodic filing of insider reports.
The information tracked includes the transaction date, insider reporting relationship, transaction code, acquisition amount, disposition amount, opening and closing balances of securities, SEDI opening and closing balances, insider report date and whether the report is timely or late, comments provided on the SEDI filing, and internal comments.
The spreadsheets are somewhat complex in terms of formulas and macros, but they have proved themselves a huge time-saver allowing su to do SEDI filings in a fraction of the time, and they also are worth their weight in gold in terms of allowing us to track all historical information with extreme accuracy.
I am not aware of any product on the market that does this, but I imagine that there must be products out there.
I am happy to share our template free, and to provide some time guiding in its use.
If anyone is interested, you can reach me as follows:
David Masse
Senior Legal Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary
Groupe CGI inc. / CGI Group Inc.
1130 Sherbrooke Street West
7th floor
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2M8
t. 514-841-3277
f. 514-841-3440
e. david.masse@cgi.com
w. http://www.cgi.com