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Chair's report

  • 10 Sep 2020 1:41 PM
    Message # 9225938
    Deleted user


     We are considering preparing a Committee Chair's report that the Committee Chair can orally present at the Board meeting. The Committee and Board meetings occur one day apart, so we are looking for a solution that would be easy to implement and not onerous on staff. If you prepare this type of report, I would love to hear how you are doing it, and samples, if possible.

    Thanks, Tanya

  • 10 Sep 2020 7:59 PM
    Reply # 9226797 on 9225938
    Deleted user

    Foy my public sector organization, we have two committee meetings the day before the board meeting, and a third in the morning before the afternoon Board meeting. Each of the respective committee chairs prepares their own verbal report for the board, effectively drawing from the committee meeting agendas and their own notes, and with reference to the Board's consent agenda. 

    Staff are not involved, except perhaps if a Chair needs something clarified. We do particularly appreciate that one committee chair regularly shares with us his speaking notes after delivering them.  

    This approach is most challenging for the chair of the committee that meets the same day as the Board -- minimal to no time to reflect or assemble notes. However, at least the proceedings are fresh in mind.

    And, at the Board, no one objects if another committee member supplements the Committee Chair's report with additional thoughts or detail where warranted.



  • 11 Sep 2020 10:00 AM
    Reply # 9228002 on 9225938
    Deleted user

    Our committee chairs have both a written report (1 page max) and present an oral summary at the BOD meeting of the committee's activities (5-15 minutes).  

    Corporate Secretariat offers to prepare a draft outline of the report for the committee chairs, based on the meeting agenda (but some committee  chairs prepare the summaries themselves). 

    Our committee and BOD meetings are on consecutive days so there may be some last-minute work if there are unexpected decisions at the committee meetings, but generally it is possible to prepare the reports in advance of the committee meetings and allow the committee chairs to augment the reports orally with any unexpected twists. 

    Last modified: 11 Sep 2020 10:02 AM | Deleted user
  • 13 Sep 2020 12:00 PM
    Reply # 9232444 on 9225938
    Deleted user

    That's what we are thinking of doing too. A draft outline based on the agenda and maybe having the Executive lead for that item provide one or two high level points.

    Last modified: 13 Sep 2020 12:01 PM | Deleted user
  • 23 Sep 2020 9:09 AM
    Reply # 9259391 on 9225938
    Deleted user

    Nothing really new to add, but thought I'd chime in in case some of this helps.

    We prepare speaking notes for our Committee Chairs, and like one of the posters above there is very little turnaround between one of our committees in the morning and the Board meeting the same afternoon.

    We have a template that we use to prepare the notes in advance of the meetings, and like Raj said, we do some last minute work to fill them out with any key points raised in discussion.

    While the turnaround time is a challenge, I do find they are helpful when I am preparing the minutes.

  • 15 Dec 2020 7:02 PM
    Reply # 9432935 on 9225938
    Deleted user

    During my volunteer gig, I asked each sub-committee Chair to provide a written  summary (high-level points) of their activities for the Board.  The Chair's were encouraged to extract the main points from their minutes to reduce time spent on this task.  These reports were provided 1 week in advance of the Board meeting so the discussions were focused and decision making went smoothly.

    At my place of work, I synthesize the Executive Committee's minutes into a monthly report for the Board.  This document is provided 1 week in advance of the Board meeting.  Feedback has been extremely positive.

    As a side note, none of our Board members, save and except for the President, receive any remuneration (volunteer gig) so I am always looking to make their time and effort worthwhile.

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