1, Materials and documents for Board committees should go to the committee members only
2, The committees of the Board are empowered to act on behalf of the Board and then report to the Board so there is no need for other Board members to receive committee material. This just defeats the purpose.
3, Once the committee has met then what is of interest are the Minutes of that meeting. Documents, notes, drafts that are in play until the Minutes are signed are known as "transitory" and they should be destroyed once the Minutes have been signed. This includes notes that the Committee members might take at the meeting.
4, One always has to be concerned that information out there prior to the Minutes being signed might not reflect the formal position of the committee and therefore, the only record should be the formal Minutes.
5, Always in the back of your mind, you must ask; if this information is available, then it could be subject to "Access to Information" (ATIP) or Discovery, if a law suit is in play