Large Non-profit (Saskatchewan)
We use the Consent Agenda method. All items are timed and on the agenda. Additionally, we add the governance direction required for each line item – for example – Mover/seconder or Information Item to the agenda.
Our Board’s key focal points are the strategic initiatives. In our Board, strategic initiatives are within the three Board appointed committees and they do all of the work with management's assistance through research, etc. Other strategic initiatives would be the master plan; strategic plan, etc. When required an Ad Hoc Committee is appointed for a specific issue.
Our Consent Agenda is based on all items for Board approval will be
contained within the consent portion. Given that the Directors receive their packages approximately 5 days in advance of the meeting, all Directors should come to the meetings prepared. Time spent on information received in advance and not collecting it, moves the Board’s focus on reviewing what was done to determining what needs to be done next. Approximately 95% of our Board meeting time is taken up with dialogue, deliberation and decision-making about issues of strategic direction. We use a consensus-based approach meeting process that facilitates the Board's movement from dialogue to deliberation. Our Board meetings typically last 90 minutes and we meet 4-6 times a year.
Denise Wanner
Corporate Secretary
The Regina Exhibition Association Limited
(306) 781-9211