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Travel Policy

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  • 06 Jan 2014 3:13 PM
    Message # 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    A Publicly traded large corporation member writes:

    I am looking for some precedent for a Directors’ Travel Policy or just a Travel Policy companies have adopted.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:13 PM
    Reply # 1468873 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Medium financial Company

    Economy class travel for all domestic flights. Business class authorised for international travel of more than 4 hours.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:14 PM
    Reply # 1468874 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Medium Public Company

    We do not have a directors travel policy but we do have one for executives which restricts more than four executives (VP and up) from traveling together on a plane.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:17 PM
    Reply # 1468876 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Director Meeting Allowance

    a) Meeting Attendance

    In addition to honoraria, Directors may claim a per meeting fee of $500 for attendance at each meeting of the Board or Committees of the Board and for other meetings otherwise authorized under policy, regardless of whether meetings are held on the same day as other meetings.

    T-4 Revenue Statements will be issued for all such allowances unless payment is made to the organization which the Director represents.
    Each Peer Group/Regional Director may claim per diem allowance, including travel days, of $500 for attendance at meetings of credit unions in that Peer Group/Region.
    Members of working or advisory committees who are not board members may claim a per diem of $200.

    b) Travel Per Diem

    Each director may claim a per diem allowance for travel days for attending meetings of the Board, Committees of the Board, and for other meetings otherwise authorized under policy.

    c) Teleconference Meeting Attendance

    Each Director may claim $500 per meeting for a telephone conference call meeting of the Board of Directors and other Board committees.

    2.6 Allowable Expenses

    RevDate: 01/08
    a) Travel Expenses

    Travel expenses include: airfare, ferry fare, automobile rental, taxi fare, personal automobile mileage, and parking. Receipts are required.
    Actual cost of public transportation based on economy class airfare. When other modes of travel are necessary, actual costs are to be charged. First class air travel will be authorized when deemed necessary or appropriate by the Chairperson on trips the duration of which exceed two hours or in other extraordinary circumstances. Receipts are required.
    Use of personal automobile at 50 cents per km for the first 5,000 kilometres and 44 cents per km thereafter, plus cost of tolls and parking.

    b) Meals

    Actual expenses, including gratuities, with receipts and list of guests provided for all expenses over $25.

    c) Hotel Accommodation

    Cost of accommodation at actual cost. Receipts are required.

    d) Business Development and Entertainment

    The actual cost of such expenses, supported by receipts, will be paid. The names of guests and the circumstances necessitating the expenditure are also required.

    e) Other Expenses

    Reimbursement at actual cost. Receipts are required for items in excess of $20.

    Allowable miscellaneous expenses include:

    reasonable laundry and dry cleaning expenses
    reasonable long distance calls to the Director’s home or business office
    reasonable childcare expenses
    basic monthly Internet access costs
    software and upgrades
    communications hardware and upgrades.

    f) Expenses of Spouse/Companion

    Expenses of a spouse/companion at Regional District business meetings, seminars, lectures, speeches or conventions may involve banquets, luncheons, dinners or receptions where attendance of the spouse/companion of the Director might be advantageous. Expenses of the spouse/companion will be covered on the same basis as those established for Board members, exclusive of the per diem allowance.
    The spouse/companion of a Director will be allowed, at the expense of Credit Union Central of British Columbia, to attend functions designated by either the Chairperson or the Board of Directors.
    The Chairperson will have final discretion on any matters pertaining to the payment of spouse/companion expenses

    2.7 Meetings and Committees

    RevDate: 07/07
    In general, meetings attended in person by the Directors or by teleconference are subject to a per meeting rate of $500.

    a) General Meeting and Fall Conference

    Actual accommodation, meals, travel expenses, and per meeting fees will be paid, including per diem for travel days.
    Last modified: 06 Jan 2014 3:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:19 PM
    Reply # 1468878 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Small Public Company

    Click here for our policy for travel and entertainment.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:20 PM
    Reply # 1468880 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Large Government Agency

    The Board of Management of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has a section of its Governance Manual entitled “Compensation and expenses” that covers travel and accommodations for Board members. This section is based on the CRA Travel Policy. The relevant portions are attached below:


    2.1 Section 20 of the Canada Revenue Agency Act allows that Board of Management Directors, other than the Commissioner, are entitled to “be paid reasonable travel and living expenses incurred by them in the course of performing their duties while absent from their ordinary place of residence.” The attached documents, Guidelines for Travel and Living Expenses and Guidelines on Hospitality, are based on CRA’s policies in these areas and are intended to provide some guidance to members of the Board of Management.

    Guidelines for Travel and Living Expenses

    1. Travel

    1.1 Air Travel

    1.1.1 Trips 300 kilometres or more should be by air. Trips of less than 300 kilometres should not normally be by air except when specifically pre-authorized.

    1.1.2 Board members will be afforded the same treatment as members of the Agency’s Executive Cadre. The general benchmark is that, should a Board member not travel by the authorized given mode (usually air travel), the cost of travel to Ottawa (or to the location of the Board or Committee meeting) should not exceed the cost of the authorized given mode.

    1.1.3 Board members have the option of travelling business class but only when the distance they must travel is 850 air kilometres or more one-way, and the flights that are taken between destinations do not include stop-overs.

    1.1.4 The Chair of the Board of Management is afforded the same allowance as the Commissioner of the Agency. The general benchmark is that the cost of travel should not be greater than that of a return airfare (either economy or business class) from the Chair’s place of residence to Ottawa (or to the location of the Board or Committee meeting). The Chair has the discretion to choose business class travel for all trips but not first class travel. The discretion of the Chair to use business class travel should, however, be exercised with prudence and probity, and it must be borne in mind that all expenditures must further Agency objectives.

    1.2 Surface Travel

    1.2.1 Rental cars may be used when this mode of travel is deemed to be more economical and practical and, in this regard, a cost comparison with other modes of travel should be submitted.

    1.2.2 For travel using a privately-owned vehicle, the maximum amount reimbursable (kilometric and other expenses) shall not exceed the cost that would have been incurred using available commercial transportation. Details on the kilometric rates that are in effect are available from the Corporate Secretary upon request.

    1.2.3 Expense claims for taxi fares and parking fees are based on the honour system but receipts may be submitted if preferred.

    1.2.4 Limousine services may be used where there is an overall saving in the cost that would have been incurred if other modes of transportation were to be used, or when an alternate mode of transportation is unavailable.

    2. Hotel Accommodation

    2.1 Board members will stay at the same hotel during Board meetings and, in most cases, a group rate will be negotiated. Due regard will be given to the choice of hotel and the negotiation of a reasonable rate. Key considerations for the choice of hotel will be comfort and convenience.

    2.2 Where a group rate is not possible, all Board members, including the Chair, will be accommodated in a standard hotel room at the regular government rate.

    2.3 In situations where the Chair may require space for a meeting or for hospitality, access to a small suite in the hotel may be provided.


    3.1 All Board members, including the Chair, may bill actual expenses for meals or, alternatively, they may claim normal CRA per diem expenses, less any meals provided officially (e.g., meals provided during Board meetings). Actual and reasonable meal expenses must be based on receipts and shall not include alcohol. Per diem rates for meal expenses are given in the Table “Meals and Allowances”, which is provided as an attachment following the Guidelines on Billing.

    4. Incidentals

    4.1 All Board members, including the Chair, may claim CRA’s normal per diem incidental expense allowance. The incidental allowance is cumulative throughout the duration of a trip and is provided whether or not actual expenses are incurred. Alternatively, Board members may claim actual incidental costs incurred but such costs are reimbursed only on the basis of receipts. If actual costs are claimed the per diem expense allowance may not be claimed at all during the whole trip. The per diem rate for the incidental expense allowance is given in the Table “Meals and Allowances”, which is provided as an attachment following the Guidelines on Billing.

    4.2 The Agency cannot reimburse Board members for the costs of business-related calls made from their hotel rooms. Only calls that are CRA-related and for which receipts are provided may be claimed as expenses by Board members. Notwithstanding these policies, Board members should note that the Agency’s per diem incidental expense allowance is meant to cover business-related calls.

    5. Receipts

    5.1 Receipt means an original document or certified true copy showing the amount of the expenditure, itemized where possible, the date the receipt was issued and an indication that payment was made.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:20 PM
    Reply # 1468881 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Publicly traded Large cap issuer

    “no more than three officers, three directors or two in-line management staff are to fly together on the same commercial flight”. “In-line” management refers to management staff who fall into a direct reporting relationship, usually within a group or department. It also states that “the number of senior or key staff who fly together on chartered flights should be kept to a minimum”.

    In addition the following restrictions are in place specifically for the Board:

    1. The Chairman and the CEO should not travel together, either on commercial or charter flights.

    2. No more than five Directors should travel on the same flight .

    3. All members of a single Board Committee should not travel together, either on commercial or charter flights.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:21 PM
    Reply # 1468882 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Publicly traded Large issuer

    Yes, we have a travel policy for directors. Each director is paid $1,500 when he or she travels outside of his or her home province or state, or travels more than a total of three hours, round trip, to attend a company meeting or site visit.
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:22 PM
    Reply # 1468884 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Medium Venture Company

    Click here
    Last modified: 06 Jan 2014 3:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 06 Jan 2014 3:30 PM
    Reply # 1468892 on 1468872
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Large Public Agency

    We are an Alliance of three hospitals with three Boards of Directors and have adopted the following two policies related to Board travel.

    I didn't included the schedule of conferences referenced in the first policy as it would be specific to one's organization.

    Nor did I include the travel expense claim form which is set up for our organization's purposes.

    Please below for policies
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