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Refreshing Board Member Hardware- IPads & Laptops

  • 04 Sep 2013 3:15 PM
    Message # 1381695
    Deleted user

    We currently loan our board members either iPads or laptops to access their electronic board portal (Diligent). iPads have only been in circulation since 2010 but are already up to Version 4, with a new Version 5 on the horizon.  Our mandate for hardware is - screen size needs to be similar to an 8-1/2x11 sheet of paper; good memory; secure; under $1,000; lightweight.

    I am developing a policy for hardware refresh/buy-out, and wonder what experience others have had.  It seems that a common refresh period for laptops is 3 years; thoughts on iPads?  We also prefer that a departing board member buys out the hardware (at a much depreciated rate) rather than refurbish for a new/incoming board member.

    What are other organizations doing? 

    Susan Porter

  • 10 Oct 2013 2:12 PM
    Reply # 1409545 on 1381695
    Deleted user
    We are looking at mini laptops and testing printer/copy/fax combinations to determine what would be most useful for Board members. Board members are asked to turn their equipment over to our IT department for a complete over-haul/reformatting to ensure no confidential information is left on equipment. We also have strict software license agreements we need to adhere to. In the past, if a member wants to keep or buy-out the equipment, we over-haul it and they pretty much get a laptop with an operating system and nothing else. Then they have buy and install all the software so it doesn't end up being very cost effective. With technology changing so quickly we are now asking Board members to return their equipment. We will then add it to our inventory and 'recycle' them for other purposes (ie training, temps, spares etc.) We don't have a steadfast policy in place - yet - so I would be most appreciative if you would be willing to share what your policy may look like. Thanks so much.

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