1. Does your company has put in place a formal continuing education program for the board members?
A. If so, is it mandatory (part of formal meeting settings) or voluntary (provided outside board meetings) ?
B. As well, please indicate the components of the training, if you do have such program in place
- Internal presenters (e.g. management’s presentation on industry related topics)
- External presenters (e.g. expert’s presentation on specific topics (lawyers, accountants, industry specialists)
- On-site visits of company principal operations, pairing with employees/technicians
- Director Guide / Reference Manual
- Others
2. Does your company require that directors complete an outside formal training such as the Accredited Chartered Director Development Program (McMaster University) or the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program, etc ?
A. If so, which program do you favor, if any?
B. Are the fees borne by the company?