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Paperless Board Meetings: moving to the iPad and compatible applications for Board material management

  • 12 Jun 2013 2:11 PM
    Message # 1315696
    Deleted user

    Our organization is contemplating an investment in iPads and as well as software that will for secure paperless delivery (and archiving) of Board meeting materials.  We currently have a Board portal but Directors favour receiving materials by email, USB stick and/or Board Binders. 

    I would be interested in : (1) understanding the pros and cons associated with going paperless and (2) learning the names of capable software providers.

    Thank you for your assistance!

  • 10 Jul 2013 1:11 PM
    Reply # 1337481 on 1315696
    Deleted user

    Our organization moved to iPads and "Diligent Boardbooks" software in early 2012. With proper introduction and instruction/tech support, we successfully transitioned from Board Binders to secure delivery of materials. Regardless of technical ability, every director and manager has embraced the new process.

    We thoroughly researched software providers and chose Diligent. This product is amazing. The time saved with preparation of Board packages is significant. Any changes/additions to the "published" Board package are easy to do with minimal impact. In signing onto the Diligent app, the published packages need to be synced to be read but these packages are clearly marked for Directors to sync (upload).The "cloud" storage for Board packages, achieved packages and a Resource centre puts any and all information at a Director's finger tips and navigation is simple.

    One con could be a records management requirement to print paper to be formally filed but printing and pdf of packages is easy. The pros are limitless. I'm still learning new things that further streamline my processes.


  • 19 Jul 2013 8:07 AM
    Reply # 1344121 on 1315696
    Deleted user
    My organization instituted paperless meetings using the Diligent Boardbooks board portal over a year ago.  We have a very large board which meets almost every month, with a number of committee meetings also occuring monthly two weeks prior to the board meeting - so there is a lot of paper and are many meetings to manage.  Our board has a diversity of age and tech capability, but the transition was suprisingly smooth thanks to advance planning, dedicated communication about the change and Diligent's suggested roll out schedule. Our board members love it and despite the initial outlay for iPads and an ongoing licensing fee which is significant because we have many users (even though we save on print and distribution costs), we find it advantageous for our purposes and it works very well.  We still provide the odd paper document/report as the iPad does not lend itself well to viewing numerous documents simultaneously, which sometimes is necessary when we are considering some issues.
  • 31 Jul 2013 4:11 PM
    Reply # 1355667 on 1315696
    Deleted user

    Our Board and CU moved to paperless meetings in January of 2012. We provided each Board Director with an iPad and moved the Board packages to Aprio. This provider assisted us in training the Board on how to utilize the iPad and access Aprio for their information.

    Initially, it was a struggle to have the Board not refer to a large paper filled binder, but to review all information on their iPad. Once they got used to it, it was very easy to manage. The cost savings alone in not printing hundreds of pieces of paper, courier costs, labour costs etc. was reason enough to move to Aprio. It also moved the CU along in the progressive technology world.

    We learn a new feature on the system each month and are always pushing the envelope. Minute approvals - surveys - feedback - meeting attendance - communication - all features that you can utilize through Aprio.

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