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In Camera Policy and Practices

  • 12 Feb 2021 3:16 PM
    Message # 10089579

    I am interested in guidance on when an in camera is appropriate and when in camera minutes are appropriate. My research leads me to understand an in camera may be appropriate in the following situations, and should not otherwise be used:

    (a)       to provide an opportunity for the Board to discuss particularly sensitive matters within the jurisdiction of the board (i.e. CEO performance, conflicts of interest, legal issues);

    (b)      to provide an opportunity for the Board to discuss sensitive internal board governance matters; 

    (c)       to provide a forum in which Board members who are reticent or reluctant to speak may indicate this and seek advice on the appropriate way to raise issues of concern;

    (d)  in the case of internal and external auditors, to safeguard the independence of those auditors by providing direct access to the Audit Committee without members of management in attendance. 


    1. Does your organization have an in camera policy? 

    2. Are the reasons listed above similar to your understanding of when an in camera should be used, or are there others?

    3. Do you minute your in cameras? 

    Last modified: 16 Feb 2021 3:58 PM | Anonymous
  • 16 Feb 2021 9:34 AM
    Reply # 10104295 on 10089579
    Deleted user

    Yes, we have an in camera policy.

    It lists similar grounds for going in camera as above, in addition to meeting with people in other roles that require some independence from management, and to meet with certain members of management (e.g., CFO).  But our policy does not restrict in camera sessions to the enumerated topics -- directors are free to discuss any topic in an in camera session.  On advice of a corporate governance advisor, every meeting agenda includes in camera sessions with directors only and with the CEO.   

    Re minuting, the policy requires the meeting chair to report any actions, decisions or discussion to be minuted to the Corporate Secretary after the meeting.  Sometimes the board/committee requests the Corporate Secretary to attend. 

  • 30 Apr 2021 4:59 PM
    Reply # 10414903 on 10089579
    Deleted user

    No formal policy. As for minutes, I am usually advised afterwards, by the person chairing the in camera, if there is anything to minute arising from the discussion. Usually there is nothing (and that is so recorded), but occasionally there is an action item or a line or two arising from the in camera. 

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