Company Type: Public Corporation
Company Size: Large Reporting Issuer
We are interested in expanding our existing Director onboarding process and have the following questions in this regard:
- What do other large issuers do and at what stage are action items conducted pre and post appointment/nomination/election? i.e. onboarding documentation package, orientation meetings, including areas of focus (Director duties and expectations, operations, organizational matters, strategy and risk, site visits, etc.).
- Is external training offered to new Directors, and if so by who and do you have a formal policy?
- Are check-in meetings held (six-month and/or one-year), and if so with who?
- Do you have a mentoring program (formal or informal), and if so is a new Director matched with a fellow Director and/or with a member of senior management?
In addition to onboarding new Directors, do you have an orientation process in place for new Board/Committee Chairs?